Rising Country Music Star
Her latest single, ‘PRETTY”, is the first in a catalogue of new music which expose Frank to the core.
As she shares “This is a song for humanity. It is a message of strength and empowerment. This is me
saying I am done hiding. The mask is off.”
The Video for PRETTY was filmed on Frank's property located deep in the Queensland country. The
house has been built from repurposed materials by Frank and her life partner themselves and forms
the centrepiece of Frank’s Social Media Channel and Podcast, Frankly Speaking, which offer fans a
daily introspective into her sustainability eco lifestyle journey.
Music fans across Queensland are lining up for Frank’s sassy country rock vibe with her quirky
performances and powerhouse vocals taking audiences on a unique journey at every show while
drawing inspiration from fellow “Women with Something To Say” alumni, Pink, Lady Gaga, Kasey
Chambers and Carrie Underwood.